March 20 // Conference
March 21 // Conference
March 22 // Friday Night
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Preliminary programme
Reading Group
Workshop x Rietveld Uncut

A Story to Tell – Voice and Authorship in the Age of AI

A Story to Tell – Voice and Authorship in the Age of AI, workshop series led by Mariana Fernández Mora

The workshop takes place on January 24; February 7, 14, 28; and March 13 from 17:00-19:00, room 306 RV (Pre-registration required)

In the age of AI, how does the concept of “voice” start to be reshaped by generative technologies like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion or MidJourney?

Notions of co-creation and machine-human collaboration open up questions of what authorship and personal voice mean when considering yourself a part of a network of knowledge rather than a singular voice. Departing from Ursula K. Le Guin’s definition of spear (hero + beginning and end) vs bag narrative (a storytelling process with no beginning or end), we will explore how AI and algorithmic thinking can expand our ideas around creative egos and move towards collaborative structures of knowledge and culture production—shifting towards notions of digital kin and machine-human co-creation.

How can this “simple” change in perspective activate spaces of agency that counteract embedded hierarchies and biases in the algorithms?

During this workshop series, we will research and play with different aspects of “voice”, from sound and text to drawing and dialogue. Using different methods and materials inside and outside the digital realm, we will explore the topic from as many perspectives as possible to ultimately speculate new future narratives and networked voices.

Together, we will experiment and work towards a final shape to be presented during Rietveld Uncut at Stedelijk Museum.


Carrier bag theory of fiction - Ursula K Le Guin A Cyborg Manifesto - Donna Haraway
Glitch Feminism - Legacy Russell

Related content:

>>“Heart on My Sleeve”, Drake & The Weekend AI song
>>Sexy baby voice phenomenon; pop culture and the use of voice as a tool for accessing spaces of power (Kim K, Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe)

>>Grimes releasing her voice for free use on AI voice generators
>>Donna Haraway and the Cyborg Manifesto; not a bodily hybrid, but a hybrid of knowledge >>TikTok and a new era of oral history

Artistic references:

Saodat Ismailova Devendra AI

Mariana Fernández Mora is an artist, writer, researcher, feminist and the current editor at ARIAS Amsterdam and leading the A.I. thematic line over there. Her practice intersects the fields of performance, linguistics and technology. She is fascinated by fictional archives, piles of stuff, hedges, memes, guinea pigs and PowerPoints. Currently, she is focused on researching A.I., language and our intimate and sometimes problematic relationship with technology.

Basicyear Project
Rietveld Uncut