This live reader of haunted machinery and soft technologies is updated every Wednesday by team and staff. Find y/our infusion/s!
A Mental Health Parasite
Data as an instrument of coloniality
The Garden
Accessibility of the Moving Image
Glitch Feminism
Breaking the Enigma Code
The Algorithmic State: God Is AI
Algorithmic Justice League
Hypervisibilities with Sondra Perry
"A Dialogue on Love", Eve Sedgwick
New Extractivism with Vladan Joler
Against Colonialism within New Digital Regimes
DeForrest Brown, Jr., Unconventional and Asymmetric Black Sonic Warfare LIVE SHOW
Flesh Wall by Sondra Perry
HereAfter AI: Where Memories Live Forever?
Sondra Perry: Typhoon coming on
Nick Couldry on Data colonialism
The Rage of Data
SOKOLA RIMBA (the Jungle School)
How I'm fighting bias in algorithms
1894 Boxing cats
The Fox Sister Mediums
Using AI deepfake techniques to bring Salvador Dali back to life
The Secret of Andrew Jackson Davis
Yuk Hui: On the Cosmotechnical Nature of Writing
On Technodiversity
Kate Moss
Tupac, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre Perform at Coachella Live
Dosa Besar
To the Bone: Some Speculations on Touch, Hortense Spillers
Bina48 Robot Talks to Siri
Glitch Feminism: Zoe Leonard in conversation with Legacy Russell
Supernatural Telephone
The Story Of The SS Great Eastern